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The Barbers Guide to Social Media Marketing

Social Media can promote your business or Brand at a very low

cost, Here’s our guide to help you....

Using Social Media for Marketing

We’ve put together this guide on using social media for marketing to help you understand the best area for you to promote your Business or Brand.

First of all we would always recommend a barbershop or brand to have its own website, this would always be regarded as the digital shop advert (HUB) that all your social media pages would link to. This would contain the important information like your contact details, a map of your location, your prices, and maybe a little about your staff? For relatively low cost and time you can produce fantastic social media platforms for displaying your work, promoting your products and generally interacting with existing and potentially new customers. We will be looking at the main 4 Social Media pages to get you started.

Firstly creating your Brand

When starting out in the Social media world the first thing to think about is your brand. You need a recognisable name and logo that you can use on every social media page.

Using the same name on every social media site will allow the world to easily find you.

Before creating any social media page make sure the name you require is available on every platform. If your like us and the name your known by is to long for creating social media names, you may have to adjust it to fit the required character numbers. For example on all our social media pages we can be found using @BritishMasterBarbers although on Twitter we had to use @ UKMasterBarbers.

Be professional with your images

With phone cameras being so accessible its far to easy to take very average looking snaps. For relatively low cost you can by a Dslr camera with a decent lens. This will give your images a crisp more professional look, often with a slightly blurred background offering more focus on the haircut. A nice back drop makes all the difference. no one is really interested in seeing a messy workstation in the background. Get your model to stand up. Snaps of them in the chair with the gown undone hanging off and covered in hair really doesn‘t promote you very well.


Facebook is casual environment that starts very locally geographically. At

first you select friends and already known acquaintances to like your business page and recognition flows out from them. Facebook requires regular active social media marketing to keep your followers entertained. Do not keep posting adverts of your business over and over as this will cause people to ignore your campaigns. Keep it fresh, regularly update your page with new quality pictures and interesting features that followers will LIKE & SHARE as this will spread your page to further onlookers.


Twitter is used by many brands for networking, This is a great platform for

any barbershop to keep up to date with latest industry news and connect with others. Twitter is a great way to reach the masses although not usually on a local level but world wide. Tweeting about what your doing, selling, giving away etc can be re-tweeted by others to spread your brand further. Again do not repost the same content over and over as followers will get bored and likely un-follow you.


Instagram seems to be the Barbers favourite social media platform, it

consists of the user uploading pictures which are liked by others, most barbers post pictures of their haircuts opening themselves to be judged by others. Good quality work and images can often be plugged (re-gramed) by other users which aid promotion of your brand. This is done by Tagging other users in your

image description ie: @BritishMasterBarbers or #BritishMasterBarbers can help promote your work and further your reach. More tags equals more reach but make sure your tagging reflects your image and is aimed at third party’s that have an interest in your product.


Not everyone wants to be a film star but getting your brand on YouTube can

only help it to grow. Many Video editing Apps are available cheaply for use on phones and tablets. You can create blogs, how to’s, or even just a simple photo sequence showing your work can be beneficial. Make sure the sound quality is of a good standard. Even the best videos can be ruined by poor sound and low quality imagery.

How to Use #Hashtags

Using a hashtag in a social post is as simple as adding the ‘#’ sign before a single word or phrase without a space.

Don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag. If you post with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your tweet.

Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single post. Use hashtags only on posts relevant to the topic.

So now you have the basics

Remember your online post reach further than just your mate down the road. Keep professional at all times as its there forever.

Don’t forget to follow the British Master Barbers pages. We love to see what your all up to. #BMB


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